元气少女缘结神OVA是由大地丙太郎,古谷田顺久执导,三森铃子,立花慎之介,岸尾大辅,佐藤聪美,石田彰,冈本信彦,浪川大辅,诹访部顺一主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:父亲欠债后离家出走,女高中生桃园奈奈生(三森铃子 配音)的人生自此发生变化。她阴差阳错成为土地神,并喜欢上妖狐巴卫(立花慎之介 配音)。在与巴卫缔结了神使的契约后,他们两人的关系似乎更近了一步。沉
沫儿`吞蟋蟀:“We cannot be soul mates, but maybe we could be soul friends” 😭 还有一些很witty的点很有意思 编剧挺有想法的
索菲童: asf… at first it’s weird but at least funny and later on it just keeps getting more boring and preachy. blah blah colonialism feminism capitalism exploitation social inequality privileged classes blah blah. yeah we all know humanity sucks the world isn’t fair but the storytelling and execution is still bad. absolutely HATE the yellow filter.