东方老虎是由高飞,鹿村执导,李元霸,张志德,任达华,王祖贤主演的一部动作片。主要讲述了:Dick、高潮、Jacky效命于塞浦路斯警队,在一次破获伪钞电版案中与Mr King结怨。 Mr King设下陷阱,使Dick与高潮被停职。Dick便回港探望前妻及其子。Mr King派人追杀
七个核桃: themes & Hitchcockian drama in typical De Palma style. If Carlito’s way is considered as one the greatest classics of gangster movies, it’s deservedly so. The movie is bolstered by an overpowered cast & larger-than-life performances fleshing out fantastic characters. Among them, Sean Penn steals the show with an impressive portrait of a high-profile shyster turning into a Pesci-esque gangster. The script doesn’t reinvent the wheel: a crack-pusher comes out of the can, unsuccessfully tries to retire, can’t be saved by love, ends up lying on a stretcher. But it’s the perfection of the execution and the director’s signature that make for a succulent feast. Welcome to Vice City.
藕捧麦子:不少情节都有点老套 没想到大卫哈伯没台词哈哈哈