佳眯呐:霸道毒液爱上我;卢瑟惜卢瑟。汤老师太智障了,简直就是本色出演。反派十分elon musk233
卓山居士:冯小刚商业片巅峰。准确的抓住了时代的脉搏,狠狠地幽默了社会一吧。 看似是一场闹剧,其实只是开启了得以窥见现实剧场的门缝。
草莓纤维➕: I enjoyed it a lot, this is a NICE Marvel movie. Made me cry too. But stripping away the sensation of the first Black superhero movie (can u believe it was 2018?),the problem of the script surfaces. Taking the name of the Black Panther but continues to miss “power to the people”. I liked that they paid tribute to Riri, but the music is not it.