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数码宝贝第六季(普通话)是由远藤彻哉,贝泽幸男执导,高山南,坂本千夏,白石凉子,岸尾大辅,草尾毅,桑岛法子主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:【 】 制片人:松久智治(朝日电视)、樱田博之(东映动画) 系列导演:えんどうてつや 系列构成:三条陸 人物设定・总作画监督:浅沼昭弘 美术设定:行信三 【 】 工藤大
汤汤(可咨询): thought it would tell such a story: one has to cross the line to the darker side in order to have the power to shed light again, but he or she will lose the true self in the process. Nevertheless, it turned out that the film was still promoting justice.